Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hi people =) I didn't realise that there were so many who tagged me whle i was away from blogging >.<
Latest update in my life
--> Had Farmstay in Malaysia and feel sick after it =X ( Nightmare!)
--> Had Youth Camp which i took on for the first time =)
-->Missing everyone who i've made close friends with in polytechnic ( Hope they miss me too!)
-->Celebrated Amelia's Bday at the camp OMG THE POOH SO BIG =.=
-->Had some cake on my face after we surprised her =S
--> Had a final lunchie with my dear friends ^^
--> Had a whole day of gaming at joe's place ( felt very groggy after being forced to stare at zombies dying for that day ) *vomit* but... dinner was great ^^
-->went out with vivi for x'mas and got her nice a nice pair of boots ^^ hope she likes it >.< ( the christmas tree at Bugis is awesome!) Ajisen there was fantastic too :D
--> Had a number of x'mas gift ( didn't expect so many =.=) Thx Vivi for the tree! and Jenn for the pretty x'mas card u made :D Joe's mom for the shirt and Jasmine for the apparrels too ^^ Dad and Mom for my new grand piano :D hmmm can;t remember the rest le :D SORRY IF I MISS OUT!

THAT'S ALL FOR NOW FOLKS! TATA ^^ and TAKE CARE <333333333333333333333333333333
Oh Oh! i'm composing a new piece... so...look forward to it ^^