Sunday, November 22, 2009

This is probably one of the best birthdays i had...Thanks guys ^^
I received quite a number of gifts and they range very widely >< There's a Pooh bear from Michelle and Amelia ^^ Gatsby wax and Belgium chocolates from MK and Jolinne :D Maple Prepaid 30k a-cash from buddy Joe,a few hundred dollars from my parents,new contact lenses($500 =.=),a small bunny from Vivi! A box of stars which i like a lot from Jasmine,some post-it stickers and a wooden thing from Jasmine too :D There's 4 birthday cards this year and two birthday songs ^^ I thank God for blessing me with such good friends ^^ This is the 1st time i received a box of stars and i think it looks really nice tee hee! Thank you all so much!!! Sadly, there's actually one thing i would want very much for my birthday which can't be bought>S

Have a good night people ^^ oyasuminasai! Yoi yume o !