Monday, February 1, 2010

Hey guys,check out this song,"Almost Lover". Up to date,this song unwinds my heart and gives me an adoring feeling which wraps me up in warmth even though it's a sentimentally sad piece. Give it a go and please leave comments =) Take care <3

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hi people =) I didn't realise that there were so many who tagged me whle i was away from blogging >.<
Latest update in my life
--> Had Farmstay in Malaysia and feel sick after it =X ( Nightmare!)
--> Had Youth Camp which i took on for the first time =)
-->Missing everyone who i've made close friends with in polytechnic ( Hope they miss me too!)
-->Celebrated Amelia's Bday at the camp OMG THE POOH SO BIG =.=
-->Had some cake on my face after we surprised her =S
--> Had a final lunchie with my dear friends ^^
--> Had a whole day of gaming at joe's place ( felt very groggy after being forced to stare at zombies dying for that day ) *vomit* but... dinner was great ^^
-->went out with vivi for x'mas and got her nice a nice pair of boots ^^ hope she likes it >.< ( the christmas tree at Bugis is awesome!) Ajisen there was fantastic too :D
--> Had a number of x'mas gift ( didn't expect so many =.=) Thx Vivi for the tree! and Jenn for the pretty x'mas card u made :D Joe's mom for the shirt and Jasmine for the apparrels too ^^ Dad and Mom for my new grand piano :D hmmm can;t remember the rest le :D SORRY IF I MISS OUT!

THAT'S ALL FOR NOW FOLKS! TATA ^^ and TAKE CARE <333333333333333333333333333333
Oh Oh! i'm composing a new piece... so...look forward to it ^^

Sunday, November 22, 2009

This is probably one of the best birthdays i had...Thanks guys ^^
I received quite a number of gifts and they range very widely >< There's a Pooh bear from Michelle and Amelia ^^ Gatsby wax and Belgium chocolates from MK and Jolinne :D Maple Prepaid 30k a-cash from buddy Joe,a few hundred dollars from my parents,new contact lenses($500 =.=),a small bunny from Vivi! A box of stars which i like a lot from Jasmine,some post-it stickers and a wooden thing from Jasmine too :D There's 4 birthday cards this year and two birthday songs ^^ I thank God for blessing me with such good friends ^^ This is the 1st time i received a box of stars and i think it looks really nice tee hee! Thank you all so much!!! Sadly, there's actually one thing i would want very much for my birthday which can't be bought>S

Have a good night people ^^ oyasuminasai! Yoi yume o !

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The internet was done for like the past two days and i was kinda vexed about it. Thank God my school has internet. Hoped you guys had enjoyed the video and i'm going to update further on in the night as class is starting soon.

インターネットは過去の2日のようにの間され、私はそれについてちょっと苛立たせられた。 私の学校にインターネットがある神に感謝しなさい。 クラスがすぐに始まっていると同時に貴方達望まれる夜に更に更新することを行くビデオおよびi'mを楽しんだ。